Placenta abruption (or abruptio placenta) is a serious pregnancy complication in which the placenta detaches from the…
Eclampsia is a severe complication of pregnancy characterized by seizures that occur in a woman who has preeclampsi…
Placenta Previa is a pregnancy complication where the placenta is abnormally positioned in the uterus, covering or b…
Placenta abnormalities can have significant implications for both the mother and baby during pregnancy. Some common ty…
Isbedelada dhaca xiliga uurka 1. Isbedelka Hormoonnada Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): Hormoonkani wa…
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy. It occurs when your body cannot produ…
Sonkorowga Uurka (Gestational Diabetes): Sonkorowga uurka wuxuu dhacaa marka heerka sonkorta dhiigga ee haween…